Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Many different video web sites are popping up all over the internet, especially after the success of http://YouTube.com. Why didn't I think of the concept of putting up a web site where people can post their own videos? This type of web site is such an easy idea, but many people overlooked the popularity that such a web site could bring. However now that Google bought http://YouTube.com for 1.65 billion dollars in stocks, everyone is trying their hand at cashing in on this huge market. Most of these web sites are trying to cash in by posting videos that are funny, or spoofs on everyday activities. I think some of the funniest videos on the internet today are videos about President Bush. These videos range from actual film footage, to footage that has been modified, to spoofs that poke fun at President Bush.

The actual film footage of President Bush is hilarious, because we all know that he is not one of the best public speakers around. He is always saying the wrong thing, or getting his words twisted in a way that he did not intend. One of my favorite videos of this type of footage is when President Bush says something like, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, I never get fooled again. I have also seen other footage of President Bush that was modified in a way to make him seem even funnier than he already was. When I think of these types of videos one comes to mind first, the video that slows down President Bush's speech so that it sounds like he is drunk. This video is hilarious and has made many appearances on different late night talk shows. The final types of video are spoofs that poke fun at President Bush. An example of this type of video I have seen is one that has a look-alike comedian standing on stage doing his own rendition of President Bush's State of the Union Address. This is probably my favorite video, because the comedian is making up new words, forgetting what he was talking about, and other common things that President Bush has been known to do. If you have a little free time and you want to get a good laugh, then just search for President Bush videos online and you will have a wonderful time.

(sources from Internet)

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